Jesus loves children and Carolina Christian Church does too! Children receive Biblical instruction about God and His love for them in Sunday School and Children’s Church. It is a blending of having fun and learning at the same time.
Sunday School classes:
For ages of Birth to Kindergarten
This class uses a traditional quarterly lesson plan with handouts and art
For grades 1st through 4th
This class uses a traditional quarterly lesson plan with handouts
During Worship Services:
Nursery (available for newborns to age 2)
Our nursery is staffed by care-givers who are dedicated to making both our babies and parents feel at home. You can rest assured your children will receive the best of care.
Mini Junior Church Children ages 2-4 meet downstairs during the Sunday morning worship hour for church training, fellowship and snacks.
Junior Church
Children ages 5-8 meet downstairs during the Sunday morning worship hour for church training, fellowship and snacks.
Tween Class Children ages 9-11 meet downstairs during the Sunday morning worship hour for church training, fellowship and snacks.
Wednesday Night:
Youth meeting at 6:45pm (*nursery and children’s activities are available on Wednesday nights)